Sign on the Green

NOTE: Due to construction in the vicinity of our event board, we are currently not able to take posting requests at this time. Please keep en eye on our website for status updates. Thank you!
The Terryville Lions Club owns and maintains the sign on the town owned property located on the Green at the corner of Main Street and North Main Street. The sign is used to post information for special events occurring in town.
Use of the sign is available to all nonprofit community organizations wishing to post information about a forthcoming event. Every effort will be made to accommodate your request based on a first come, first posted basis taking into account the date of the event and the date of submission. Please keep your request to a minimum so that we can fulfill as many as the sign will allow. Terryville Lions Club activities are given priority. Out of town announcements are not permitted.
Information submitted to be posted should include the event name, date, and time. The event sponsor and contact information must also be provided. Organizations may post not more than one event a month.
Please email all sign requests to by the 25th of the month for events occurring the following month.